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How To Find Tiktok Influencers For Your Brand - Read To Discover Tips in Our Exclusive Blog!



TikTok, the video app owned by Chinese tech giant ByteDance, has rapidly become one of the most popular social media platforms among teens and young adults. There are many ways to use this platform for your brand—it can be used as an organic channel to share your product or service or as a paid channel to promote products or boost engagement with existing fans. In either case, it's important to know what TikTok influencers can do for you and how best to partner with them. Here are some tips for finding and contacting influencers on TikTok:

Determine your objective and KPI upfront

Before you start, it’s important to define your objective and KPI upfront. The objective is what you want to achieve with a certain channel. Do you want to reach new customers? Or do you want to build awareness? If so, are there any specific metrics or goals that will help measure success?

For example, if your goal is for people on TikTok to see your brand as “fun and cool” through influencers, then one of the key performance indicators (KPIs) could be an increase in positive sentiment from fans - measured by comments like “I love this!” or “This brand is great!”

Once you know what kind of content will help achieve those KPIs, use this as a starting point when finding TikTok influencers who align with your values.

tiktok user generated content

Create a target persona

  • To find the right TikTok influencers for your brand, first you need to identify your target audience.

  • You can start with their demographics (age, gender and location), psychographics (lifestyle preferences) and behaviors (what they like to do).

  • Creating a persona is an effective way of understanding your target audience’s wants and needs.

Use the search bar to find relevant content creators or check out some popular creators

One of the most effective ways to find TikTok influencers is by using the search bar. You can type in any word that you think would be relevant to your industry, and TikTok will show you all of the creators who have used this word on their profile. For example, if you're looking for a makeup artist, you could type "makeup" into the search bar and see which creators are making videos about makeup.

This also applies if you have a specific brand or product in mind: just type in its name! If there's someone out there making videos with your brand or product in them (and they don't work for your company), they would show up here when searching for related keywords.

Tiktok has recently added a new feature called “Trending” where users can see popular people and topics at any given time - check this out as well!

tiktok user generated content

Filter by your target criteria

Once you've chosen the right influencer for your campaign, it's important to make sure that their content is relevant to your brand. TikTok influencers develop their own niche following and their audiences love them for this reason. It can be difficult to create a successful partnership with someone whose content hasn't been vetted by brands before.

If you're looking to reach a certain demographic, filter by age, gender, location and language. Different types of people will find different things funny or relatable depending on where they come from or what they're interested in doing outside of work hours! Content creators usually have multiple interests which are reflected in some way within their tiktok profile (e.g., if someone loves watching sports videos then maybe they'd also like basketball themed tiktok stories).

You can also filter by followers, likes, comments and views on any given post - this will help ensure that your selected influencer has enough fans who might want to hear about your product/service too!

If there aren't many hashtags associated with specific posts then it probably means that not many people have seen them yet so why bother wasting money trying something new when nothing seems likely? However if there are lots of hashtags involved then it could be worth trying these out first before investing too much time into other possible options (which may end up being wasted anyway).

When you identify a few potential influencers, reach out to them with a clear, concise pitch.

There are a few things to keep in mind when reaching out to an influencer:

  • Be clear. State your purpose up-front and be specific about how you want the influencer to work with you. If you're looking for brand promotion, say so. If a post (and its caption) is what you're after, specify that too.

  • Be concise. Don't ramble on with unnecessary information or requests—stick to the point and keep it brief! Asking someone who has tons of followers on TikTok isn't going to get them excited about working with an unknown company, so don't waste their time by overcomplicating things.

  • Be personal. No matter who you're sending this pitch to, make sure they know exactly who they're speaking with—even if their name isn't mentioned directly throughout their profile bio or other social media platforms like Instagram or Twitter.


Once you have a few potential influencers who fit the profile of your ideal brand ambassador, reach out to them with a clear, concise pitch. Be sure to highlight all the relevant information about your company, including who you are and what you do. Also include some specific details about why this particular creator would be a good fit for your brand. Happy creating!


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